
Showing posts from February, 2015


"Afastem-se de mim os vampiros da boa energia, os parasitas que forjam uma hemorragia involuntaria que tende a deixar meu corpo enfraquecido, minha alma esgotada, minha boa vontade estagnada   diante de uma necessidade real... Afastem-se pois, os saqueadores de alegrias, os sabotadores de sorrisos sinceros...abertos... Escoe por entre os esgotos sujos da maldade humana tudo o que nos denegri,   tudo o que nos afeta a solidariedade nativa, e sejam todos queimados   pelas chamas escaldantes   do peso de suas consciencias sordidas... Afatsem-se de mim os abutres famintos de restos, as hienas que sorriem tentando morder-me as carnes, as serpentes que me rodeiam tentado acertar-me o bote... Que caia sobre suas cabecas a catastrofe inesperada do amor lavando-lhes o corpo sujo de ilegalidades, transformando-os em anjos de bondade e graca... O que ha de mais cruel a um mosntro,  senao sua transformacao em santo?

THE RAINBOW PARADE - coming soon!

What surrounds me...what fills my inside, and gets out wildly from my outside, feeds me...builds me... What verges, crosses, merges and crashes me up and down, hits me.... It shakes my rapes my pride... What chases me, nurtures my anxiety and covers my flabby body in viscose liquid - red color exhaling sustainable dependence ... who will be the next to crucify the thief? Who will be the one to send him to heaven?...who will be in the gates of the paradise as the host of this holy profane gueto?
Sentences I will never forget! Never!  1- My mom: Just wait patiently and move on. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow! 2- My sister : An unlimited credit card is the cure for all the deceases that affects our soul! 3- Daddy - Can you see that guy pushing that heavy cart over there? That is what happens to you if you don't study!!! 4- My partner: Let's try to see the big picture!  5- My good friend Edward Ziff: We are always looking for ways to be lost. We don't know how to live without troubles! 6- My business partner's best friend: Oh!...You are gay, right ?! Then I'm sure you should know this person - and he always says that every time we meet! 7- My gorgeous friend Maura Silva ( one of the most beautiful minds I have even seen :- I am a mercenary of my own talent. I am always depending on it to keep my life as a writer moving things forward! 8- My housekeeper: Oh, she doesn't have sex? Then she's not a comp


When life squeezes lemon in your eyes, don't give up! Wash it up with water! - wash it as much as you can, to entirely clean your vision - shake your head like dogs do after having shower.  Feel all the agony leaving your body as if it were a wonderful discover. Capitalize the moment and be stronger!  Keep distance from those people who saw your struggle and perceived nothing wrong was going on. Be closer to those who were there for you, sending water, helping out to cleaning your eyes, and even if they didn't have enough - some of them have their own lemon in the eyes to clean - they were there, sharing in a difficult moment. Send back to limbo those souls who don't know how to face imperfections! Send to limbo those people who only appreciate your smile, as if your tears weren't a part of you! Forget about those ones who never showed a glimpse of compassion, and used the distance to justify the total indifference with your pain! Let'


Quero caminhar pelas estradas das artes, E encher meus olhos de beleza e cores, Atravessar as pontes da inspiração,  E mergulhar nos universos multiplos das formas, movimentos e sinuosidades. Quero abraçar a magnitude da criação, e abstrair a matéria prima das estrelas: dissecar o rio das técnicas, e desbravar os oceanos de anatomias perfeitas. Quero poder não entender nada, não opinar em nada, e deixar fluir os suaves ventos da arte, do mesmo ar que oxigena meu cérebro ativo, e faz de meu corpo uma máquina incógnita. _________________________________________________________________________________I want to walk along the road of the arts, And fill my eyes of beauty and colors  I want to cross the bridges of the inspiration And to dive into the multiples universes of the shapes, movements and sinuosity. I want to hold the magnitude of the creation, and to extract raw material from the stars.  I want to dissect the river of techniques, and to grub the perfect anatomy of
It's been such a long time I don't expose myself publicly. Actually, I don't even remember if once in life I made it. The fact is when you realize you are living and you are not leaving clues about your own experiences, and you feel this is important for your own register as a person who cares about yourself,you should take a time and make it happens soon. I intend to share some of my stories and being as honest as possible with me and with those who read this blog. It's not an easy thing to do, but I will try my best. I hope it can be an amazing trip toward myself. And please feel free if you have something to say. Enjoy!  FROM THE SCRATCH - PART I   Here I would say my name is "Mr Phoenix". The reason is pretty much obvious. I've been through the death's road for several times, and I know how is to wake up everyday and to look at back and see we are real miracles. I am a gay man in my 40's and live by myself in a very comfortabl

Saudades do meu Rio de Janeiro

Ai que saudades das minhas tardes de Choro, entre amigos queridos, uma cerveja suada e o calor escaldante do meu Rio de Janeiro amado!  Ai que pesar de não ter mais esse espaço em mim! Que dor ter de viver longe, para proteger o que chamo de vida; para preservar o restante de esperança e dignidade que agonizam à distância.  Ai que saudades dos latidos dos cachorros ao passar dos carros, perseguindo motos, e enfileirados atrás da única cadela disponível na rua, durante o cio que lhes tirava o sossego, e enchia de curiosidade nossos olhos.  Quando, meu Rio amado, te terei de volta refeito de tanta violência, de tantos maltratos e descaso? Quando terei de volta o teu ár boemio, e a liberdade de me embriagar seguro, sem temer ter minha vida sucumbida pelas mãos que te matam silenciosamente a cada dia? Ai que saudades do meu Rio de Janeiro.

Thinking about my father

My father was the most unexpected man I have ever seen. I mostly inherited from him this very peculiar side of his personality, and I'm kind of proud of it. He wasn't a conventional man indeed. I remember sometimes he used to wake up at the weekends, read his newspaper - the cultural section was always given to me! - having his breakfast, and after wondering I don't know what he suddenly announced : Everybody jump into the car now! We all go to the beach and you guys can invite whoever you want to bring! I remember my father having this beautiful heart when I was a very little child, and all my friends loved him. What not to love? He was kind, funny, and most importantly but not less admirable, my father was the ultimate smart man I have ever seen. Then I used to be very happy . I used to be happier than my sister, who was always bored on something we never know what was that about - maybe it was only her personal style to be bored! We jumped into the car, my sister